PowerPro fishing line begins with ultra-strong braided Spectra Fiber and is then treated with Enhanced Body Technology to create an incredibly round, smooth and sensitive line. PowerPro is a low-stretch braided fishing line with the same all-around
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
Moss Green, Hi-Vis Yellow , White , Vermilion Red
Line Type (Description)
The workhorse of the PowerPro line-up. Value priced, and a great performing all around low stretch line.
Pound Test Provided
3, 10 , 30 , 80 , 65 , 50 , 20 , 15 , 8 , 40 , 200 , 150 , 4 , 5 , 250 , 100
Re-engineered for a whole new level of toughness, Super8Slick V2 combines a new 8-end, dense weave construction with the proven Enhanced Body Technology coating process. S8SV2 delivers all of the smooth and silent benefits of original Super8Slick, plus
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
Hi-Vis Yellow, Marine Blue , Aqua Green
Line Type (Description)
8 Spectra fiber construction with a smooth surface resulting in long casts and silent retrieves.
Pound Test Provided
80, 15 , 10 , 50 , 20 , 65 , 40 , 30
Maxcuatro delivers the same great performance anglers have come to expect from PowerPro but is 25% thinner than standard PowerPro braided fishing line with equivalent strength. Maxcuatro features 4-end construction made with next-gen Honeywell Spectra
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
Moss Green, Hi-Vis Yellow , Aqua Green
Line Type (Description)
High Tenacity 4-End construction with same strength yet one size thinner than standard PowerPro
Pound Test Provided
40, 65 , 100 , 20 , 30 , 80 , 50
Do you ever wonder how deep your bait is, how far behind the boat you are trolling your favorite lure, or even how far your cast went? Wonder no more, PowerPro’s Depth-Hunter features four repeating 25-foot sections — blue, yellow, green and orange
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
4 Color
Line Type (Description)
4 color metered line repeating every 100' to coincide with typical US depth finder settings.
Pound Test Provided
10, 65 , 50 , 150 , 40 , 20 , 100 , 15 , 80 , 30
The PowerPro Hollow Ace Kit includes everything you need to create the perfect leader-to-line connection with PowerPro Hollow Ace for big-game fishing. The kit includes the following items: DaHo Hollow Spectra Needle Tools, Hollow Ace Big Line Add-On
Line Main Line Type
Not Applicable
When PowerPro engineers began developing a new PowerPro hollow-core line, their goal was simple: Create the next generation of performance hollow-core line with superior structure, durability and connection strength. The outcome is Hollow-Ace. With
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
Hi-Vis Yellow, Marine Blue , White
Line Type (Description)
16 carrier Spectra fiber construction allowing finger trap splices with monofilament or fluorocarbon.
Pound Test Provided
200, 130 , 40 , 60 , 100 , 80
Hard water anglers are faced with many different challenges as they venture out onto the ice, and cold is the number one factor they need to be ready for. Technology has become the key to success on the water: high-tech sonar, underwater cameras and
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
Marine Blue
Line Type (Description)
PTFE Coated Ice fishing line which sheds water.
Pound Test Provided
15, 5 , 8 , 10
Whether running deep with trolling weights, planer devices or downriggers (manual or electric), PowerPro Downrigger delivers the sensitivity, strength, near-zero stretch and silence needed to catch more fish. PowerPro Downrigger enables downrigger balls
Line Main Line Type
Colors Offered
Moss Green
Line Type (Description)
Downrigger Cable Replacement
Pound Test Provided
250, 150 , 200
Elevate deep-dropping and trolling performance with Maxcuatro Metered braided fishing line by leveraging the benefits of Maxcuatro's 25% thinner diameter combined with the advantages of the multi-colored pattern of Depth-Hunter Offshore. Designed for